Humane Farm Animal Care (HFAC), the leading international non-profit certification organization improving the lives of millions of farm animals in food production by inspecting and certifying their humane treatment, announced this week that Creekstone Farms in Arkansas City, Kansas, achieved Certified Humane® certification for their Natural Black Angus Beef.

Founded in 1995, Creekstone Farms decided early-on to treat their cattle humanely from the start, including developing handling systems to reduce their stress.

“We’ve always felt treating the animals humanely is the right thing to do,” says Ryan Meyer, Director of Cattle Procurement for Creekstone Farms. “Our cattle handling facilities were designed by Dr. Temple Grandin (renowned farm animal expert) to minimize stress at our facility. The Certified Humane® verification for our cattle was the logical next step. We have always been focused on low-stress animal handling practices, but a third-party verification by Humane Farm Animal Care gives consumers even more confidence that we are practicing what we preach.”

According to Adele Douglass, executive director for HFAC, there is a growing consumer demand for humanely-raised food. “People want to know how farm animals are being raised and handled on the farm,” she says. “Creekstone Farms recent certification of their Black Angus cattle shows consumers that animal welfare is a continuing priority for them.”

Since 2003, the Certified Humane® label has assured consumers that farm animals are raised under HFAC’s standards of care, giving farm animals space to express natural behaviors, move around freely, and eat diets free of antibiotics, growth hormones and animal by-products. HFAC’s standards are written by a 37-member scientific committee, all experts in farm animal welfare.

Consumers interested in supporting farm animal welfare should look for the Certified Humane® label on the products they purchase. To find where to buy Creekstone Farms Natural Black Angus Beef, visit HFAC’s “Where to Buy” page or download the Certified Humane App. To download the App, go to the App Store for iPhone or Google Play for Android and search for Certified Humane. You can also access the mobile “Where to Buy” page by going to from your smart phone.

About Humane Farm Animal Care Humane Farm Animal Care (HFAC) is the leading international non-profit certification organization improving the lives of farm animals in food production. The Certified Humane® designation assures consumers that meat, poultry, egg, or dairy products they purchase have been produced according to HFAC’s precise standards for humane farm animal treatment. Animals must receive a nutritious diet without antibiotics or hormones and must be raised with shelter, resting areas and space sufficient to support natural behavior. Since the HFAC program was unveiled in May 2003, more than 110 companies, representing thousands of farms and millions of farm animals, have been certified. To learn more about HFAC, visit

For more information, contact Humane Farm Animal Care at (703) 435-3883 or at